FEED Tokenomics

In a nutshell,

  • Investors buy FEED > stake FEED > earn FEED

  • Feeder Finance builds > earns fees > buybacks FEED > pays FEED stakers

As a platform, we've designed our products wrapped around the concept of creating utilities and demand for FEED tokens. Which ultimately brings benefits to the Feeder Finance community. sFEED, staked FEED, also plays a crucial role in Feeder Finance's Tokenomics.


Current Distribution Share of Staking: 30%

  • Does not incur fees

  • Rewards auto-compound

  • Rewards get distributed approximately every 2 hours


Current Distribution Share of Farming: 70%

Treasury-Owned Liquidity

The 5% farm withdrawal fees are automatically deposited into a treasury-owned wallet which accumulates FEED-BNB LPs.

The purpose of this structure is to allow the project to own more of its liquidity over time to ensure independence from liquidity providers over time.

Such liquidity would also be used to generate returns and incentives for the platform that would ultimately create more buyback demands to be distributed to stakers.

This is part of a pivot towards DeFi 2.0 that the community voted on in November 2021.

If you're confused or unsure about what a DeFi 2.0 direction means for our future, here is a great video shared by the community to get a quick intro.


FEED Token has a total max supply of 100,000,000 FEED.

Feeder Finance starts with 31,750,000 FEED distributed across multiple time-locked wallets (5,000,000 FEED and 20 BNB of the founders' capital has been used to provide liquidity on PancakeSwap -- LP tokens have been time-locked for one year (contract). The remaining 26,750,000 FEED are time-locked and released according to schedule for Team, Marketing/Ecosystem Reserves, and Development wallets.

The remaining 68,250,000 FEED of supply will be distributed at a decelerating rate by Farming.

Total FEED distribution is broken down as below:

The total period from minting to complete distribution will happen over 65 weeks (~17 months)

*Liquidity tokens were used to provide liquidity for a fair launch and time-locked for 12 months

The following is the distribution schedule:

Detailed Distribution Spreadsheet


FEED native token has three main factors driving value:

  1. DEMAND from the usage of the platform through liquidity pool buying

  2. UTILITY in a sense that the native token is required (effectively as profit sharing and buyback into entry/exit fee) for the usage of the platform

  3. CASHFLOWS through the distribution of profit sharing

Last updated